Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Hoping to change the world some day
Hoping the smiles will always stay
Hoping that school will prepare me for life
Hoping that someone takes my shift tonight
Hoping to talk to my friends currently lost
Hoping to see my mom get better
Hoping to catch the tears before they fall
Hoping to get my back off the wall
Hoping to get A NEW CAR SOON
Hoping to have time to clean my room
Hoping to finish this semester in one piece
Hoping to get some much needed sleep
Hoping that I get good grades in my classes.


Ashley Wallace said...

Good poem--very insightful to your life.

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle -
I'm Michelle Randall, too.
A Google alert came back with your blog and your poem.
It's really touching and inspiring.
I hope that everything your hoping for comes to you!