Monday, November 5, 2007

Fire Write

To whom this may concern,
I am writing about the healthcare issue plaguing America today. If you’re wondering if I have a job, the answer is I do. I do have a job, but I am not insured. I actually have 2 jobs to be more precise. I work a 40 hour week between both jobs. I am working a full work week, just not at one location. I use the same social security number at both jobs, but yet this countries feels that I don’t deserve to have medical insurance. I am working the “full-time” hours to have medical insurance. My solution to this issue is that it should be the number of hours worked per week, not at what place. There are millions of Americans like me who are working 2 part time jobs, which equal 1 full-time job because our employers refuse to give us part-time workers the luxury of being full-time slaves. So I believe the federal government should provide health care for us non-technical full-time workers. Or make the employers split the medical care, if we are working two part-time jobs that meet the full-time requirements. Something should be done immediately to relieve us hard working Americans who are being swept under the rug by medical care requirements our employers cannot provide. I am a working citizen, I am not looking for a handout, just an alternative to the massive problem I am battling on a daily basis.
Thank you for your time, Michelle Randall

1 comment:

ruggermichigan3 said...

I would have to agree with you on that the topic of health in America is so touchy issue right now, with a planned health care system on end and a benefits package program on the other you see how new division in American society, people who afford to take out health care from they paychecks and the ones can't and have use HMO's and go to third rate health clinics in they area because going to someone who is underpaid and highly overwork. See the doctors are on the upper class tier of socioeconomic scale and the other health workers are barley paying they rent. Doctors are important and work long hours and work in highly stressful situations,ER and operations, but should cap they salary to make more approachable and work with they patients. I should stop, I am going on a long rant.