Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Amandas Indy Teach

Original Lines:
I grew up Happy
But every copy of "Oh the places you'll go" needs to be burned
Law fun Interrogation
You Provided the World
Another afternoon of cliche speeches and name reading
I am from Dandelions

My Poem:
You provided the world
I grew up happy

Sometimes your "Law fun interrogation" was a bit over the top at times
But your copy of "oh the places you'll go" needs to be burned

Another afternoon of cliche speeches on Friday's before I made my evening plans
The redundant name reading of the places I could not go, was endless

The poem I wrote "I am from dandelions" is still plastered on the refrigerator
Displayed in all its glory.

You provided the love
I grew up happy

Sometimes your hugs were a little too tight
But every one was full of unconditional affection

Another afternoon of laughs
Displayed in the living room window for all eyes to see

You provided the love and in turn you gave me the world
My Mentor, My Guidence, My Mom

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