Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Indy Teach

I felt that my Indy Teach went very well today. I went over the 45 minute (sorry about that) time period. I just really wanted everyone to understand what literacy is and how to incorporate it in their classroom. I feel like I left out so much stuff that I wanted to talk about. I guess this is how teachers feel, when they really want to make a point and the bell rings. By doing this Indy Teach I learned that 45 minutes is too short! I also learned that when you present you students with information that makes them think, you will get the responses that you are looking for. At first I was nervous about presenting my information because our class is very intelligent. We have some of the brightest people I have encountered at WMU thus far. After I realized that everyone wasn’t going to chew my head off, I was more comfortable and was able to focus on developing Allen’s main points in her book. I really enjoyed this teach, it taught me a lot about myself as a future teacher.


ruggermichigan3 said...

you did a great job on your Indy teach it was present well with somebody has taught a few classes before, I learned about how to conduct myself better in front the class. I wonder what kinds of posters and pictures to put on my door.

Ashley Wallace said...

Hey, you did really good--lets call it a tie! I also didn't get to a lot of the stuff in the packet because I ran out of time :(

Shannon said...

Great work Michelle :)