Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Technology In Classroom

I remember taking trips to the computer lab to write papers. I remember the internet was censored. You couldn't even check your e-mail. Technolgy meant typing a paper or logging on to a website that the teacher wanted you to go to. I think that technology in the highschool is very limited. It is not open to the research part of it. I notice that in the highschool I am in now, they use the computers to do research but not when i was in highschool. You have to do it yourself, and on your own time. Technolgy was used but we weren't allowed to touch it. The overhead, was the teachers, the tv, was the teachers, everything that had anything in the classroom was the teachers.


Technolgy = having to adjust your lesson plans because something is going to go wrong

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Johns Indy Teach

I keep him grounded
When he takes off I go right along with him

With yeah old mud,
clinging to me forever, for fear that if I am washed his luck will turn

With every step I feel the urgency to move faster
the pull to keep going

When we first got together I didn't know if I could handle a pro
but through time I have shown my self to be worthy of taking a good beating,

And putting up a great fight.
Together we are winners, and without me he can't play.

I'm the untouchable, just like him.
I was built to win.

Created to enhance the performance of any foot I touch.
I am the ultimate cleat. I am the ultimate athlete.

Amandas Indy Teach

Original Lines:
I grew up Happy
But every copy of "Oh the places you'll go" needs to be burned
Law fun Interrogation
You Provided the World
Another afternoon of cliche speeches and name reading
I am from Dandelions

My Poem:
You provided the world
I grew up happy

Sometimes your "Law fun interrogation" was a bit over the top at times
But your copy of "oh the places you'll go" needs to be burned

Another afternoon of cliche speeches on Friday's before I made my evening plans
The redundant name reading of the places I could not go, was endless

The poem I wrote "I am from dandelions" is still plastered on the refrigerator
Displayed in all its glory.

You provided the love
I grew up happy

Sometimes your hugs were a little too tight
But every one was full of unconditional affection

Another afternoon of laughs
Displayed in the living room window for all eyes to see

You provided the love and in turn you gave me the world
My Mentor, My Guidence, My Mom

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Man...Ashley let me tell you what happened to me this weekend. So basically remember how we were talking about not coming to class on Monday. And neither of us did. Well I am just telling you to be careful what you wish for. So anyway I went home this weekend, and I really didn't feel like coming back to school at all. So I am running around around town trying to visit everyone and burn as much time as possible. So I go out to eat with my dad and that was cool. So next I was headed to my sisters apartment to see her new cat. I pull out of the Denny's parking lot and I hear something scrapping against the ground. ITS MY MUFFLER! It feel off out of no where. Well I can't say no where because my car had been running loud all day but still. So I immediately call my dad and tell him to come back. And he comes to help me in his 2007 red H2 HUMMER! I was pissed because why am I riding around in this piece of shit and he gets to ride in a brand new truck. WTF but anyway I couldn't come back to school until the next day. So I missed all my classes and was behind on all my homework. So i am just warning you. Be careful what you wish for.


Hoping to change the world some day
Hoping the smiles will always stay
Hoping that school will prepare me for life
Hoping that someone takes my shift tonight
Hoping to talk to my friends currently lost
Hoping to see my mom get better
Hoping to catch the tears before they fall
Hoping to get my back off the wall
Hoping to get A NEW CAR SOON
Hoping to have time to clean my room
Hoping to finish this semester in one piece
Hoping to get some much needed sleep
Hoping that I get good grades in my classes.

Tick Tock

Time passes so fast,
Even when it feels like it goes so slow

Stress Free eyes
are now weathered by long nights of study groups and papers due

Security of home is now gone
In order to make a home 4 myself

How much time will it truly take
I would love to go back to that new years day

When smiles came easy, and homework did too
When time was simplistic, and it didn't run out

When my mind wasn't full of graduation doubt
When time was just time, Just minutes on a clock

When I didn't need time and time didn't need me.
Tick Tock Tick Tock once was so easy