Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Technology in the classroom

This quote is from the article "Unleashing Potential with Emerging Technology."

“I write as much for getting my ideas out as I do to see the comments and responses of those who are listening and reacting. In school, writing is about handing something in. Here, it’s about having something to say.”

When reading this statement it reminded me a lot about my high school experience with writing. I had a hard time finding real relevance in writing papers during class. My papers were always better when written on my own time. I feel like the pressure of writing something sporadically, led to a misunderstanding of the meaning behind it. Incorporating technology in my future classroom before reading this article was not a priority on my list of things to do. Now I see the relevance it has, because incorporating technology is geared towards helping the students bring personal skills into the classroom that they acquired outside of the learning environment. By doing so this strengthens the classroom environment because students are bringing relevant learning skills from home into the school.

1 comment:

Matt Connor said...

Thats right Michelle, i found no inspiration or motivation in high schoo in writing papers. i found it as a way to graduate and be done with it. I had a hard time relating anything to my own life. In todays classroom, i think students need a little inspiration or motivation from any outside source. Students need to know that this relates to them and is important to know or they will shut down.